Data Collection

Accurate and reliable data collection is the foundation of high-quality research. At the Centre for Health Research and Training (CHaRT-SL), we offer comprehensive training in Data Collection techniques tailored to health and development research. This training activity equips participants with the skills needed to gather high-quality, context-relevant data that informs evidence-based decision-making and policy development.

Key components of the training include:

o   Survey Design and Instrument Development: Participants learn how to design effective surveys, develop questionnaires, and choose appropriate data collection instruments, ensuring that the data gathered is relevant and scientifically robust.

o   Field Data Collection Techniques: This covers practical skills for collecting data in diverse settings, including urban, rural, and remote communities. Participants are trained in interviewing techniques, observation methods, and the use of digital tools like mobile data collection platforms.

o   Ethical Considerations in Data Collection: A focus on the ethical principles guiding data collection, including informed consent, confidentiality, and the protection of vulnerable populations, ensures that participants understand the importance of adhering to ethical standards.

o   Data Quality Control and Validation: Participants are trained in techniques to ensure the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data, including data cleaning and validation procedures.

o   Use of Technology in Data Collection: The training covers the integration of digital tools and platforms, such as mobile apps and geographic information systems (GIS), to streamline data collection processes and improve efficiency.


Through this training, participants gain the practical knowledge and technical skills necessary to collect high-quality data that supports impactful research and effective health interventions.

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