Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS)

The Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) is a critical component of CHaRT-SL’s research infrastructure, providing comprehensive data on the health and population dynamics of defined communities over extended periods. By continuously monitoring births, deaths, migration, and health trends, HDSS offers valuable insights into the health status of populations in both urban and rural areas. This system enables us to track the impact of health interventions, policy changes, and socioeconomic conditions on public health.

Through HDSS, we gather longitudinal data that goes beyond clinical settings, capturing the experiences of individuals who may not regularly access health facilities. This makes HDSS a powerful tool for understanding health outcomes in underserved populations and for informing evidence-based public health strategies. Our HDSS sites collaborate with international networks and health research centres to ensure the quality and comparability of data, contributing to global efforts to address major health challenges.

Discover how HDSS is transforming population health research and informing policies that improve health and development. Click here to explore our ongoing HDSS projects and collaborations.

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