Cause of Death Determination

Understanding the causes of death is fundamental to improving public health outcomes, particularly in low-resource settings like Sierra Leone, where reliable data on mortality is often limited. At CHaRT-SL our research in Cause of Death Determination aims to bridge this gap by providing accurate, comprehensive data on the causes of mortality across different regions and demographics. This information is crucial for developing targeted interventions and improving health policy.

We employ advanced epidemiological methods, including verbal autopsy and health surveillance systems, to assess causes of death in communities where formal medical certification may be unavailable. By investigating the underlying factors contributing to mortality, we can identify key health issues such as infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and maternal and child health complications. This research enables policymakers to allocate resources more effectively, respond to health crises, and track the progress of public health initiatives.

Cause of death determination is also integral to understanding the broader social and environmental determinants of health. Whether analysing deaths related to infectious outbreaks, accidents, or chronic conditions, CHaRT-SL’s research ensures that Sierra Leone’s health systems are equipped to respond to the most pressing public health challenges.

Learn more about our work in cause of death determination and how it contributes to improving health outcomes in Sierra Leone. Click here to explore our methodologies and ongoing research projects.

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